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A repository showcasing the UI5 tooling extensibility to combine OSS tools for UI5 application development.

UI5 Tooling - Ecosystem Showcase

OpenUI5 Community Slack (#tooling channel)

This repository is showcasing the UI5 Tooling extensibility capabilities. You can easily extend the UI5 Tooling with your own tasks or middlewares.

UI5 Tooling Ecosystem

Everyone can develop and share his own tasks, middleware, and tooling extensions or consume them via NPM. On NPM, all tasks are prefixed with ui5-task- and all middlewares with ui5-middleware-. In case you create NPM packages having both: custom tasks and middlewares, the prefix should be ui5-tooling-. This will help UI5 developers to easily find tasks and middlewares created and shared by the UI5 community.

Contribute to the UI5 Tooling Ecosystem

You can contribute to the UI5 Tooling Ecosystem by providing your own task, middlewares, and/or tooling extensions. Therefore, you have the possibility to either contribute your extension to this repository or do it in your own repository. In both cases, please consider to contribute your extension to Best Of UI5 and Add Your Own Package.


This repository is open to anyone who wants to share his/her task or middleware with the UI5 community. By integrating an extension in this repository you can benefit from automated releases of the tasks and middlewares to the public npm registry. But we ask you to continue to support your extension and handle open issues. In addition, you will get a review before your task or middleware is merged.


The other option is to self-manage your extensions in your own repository. In this case, you’ll have full control but need to implement your own release process. Please ensure to stick to the naming convention as described above and check for duplicated tasks at Best Of UI5 or in the NPM registry.

Available Tooling Extensions

Tooling extensions are either tasks, middlewares or combining both in one tooling extension NPM package. The NPM packages including tasks only are prefixed with ui5-task- and middlewares only with ui5-middleware-. NPM packages including both are prefixed with ui5-tooling-.

The best place to find existing tooling extensions is Best Of UI5. This is the central registry for available tasks, middlewares, tooling extensions, libraries, modules, custom controls, Yeoman generators, wdi5 plugins, commands and even applications. The metadata will also be used by several open-source tools to provide a better development experience by recommending tooling extensions, libraries, …


At Best Of UI5 you can find the available UI5 tooling tasks. There might be more tasks in the public NPM registry. You can find all tasks which applied the suggested naming convention via


At Best Of UI5 you can find the available UI5 tooling middlewares. There might be more middlewares in the public NPM registry. You can find all middlewares which applied the suggested naming convention at

Tooling Extensions

At Best Of UI5 you can find the available UI5 tooling extensions. There might be more tooling extensions in the public NPM registry. You can find all middlewares which applied the suggested naming convention at